Showing posts with label alphalist data entry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alphalist data entry. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2016

How to Login, Add/Update MAP, Print/Inquire on a Taxpayer Screen, Add/Update SAWT and Generate File using the BIR Alphalist Data Entry

 1. Click the icon on 1604 Attachments Data Entry and the User Login pop up will appear. Encode the <User Name> and <Password>, then click <OK> button or press E.

 2. The BIR Data Entry Main Menu will appear together with the BIR System Message pop-up. Then click <Yes> or press Enter key.

 Note: The BIR System Message pop-up will appear only on the initial installation of this program to capture information of the Withholding Agent.

3. The Withholding Agent Information screen will appear. Fill in all mandatory fields, then click Save button. The <Revert> button is used to undo encoding or when the user does not want to save the encoded data of the withholding agent. Once the Withholding Agent  Information screen is filled up, the next time you view the same screen to update information, Edit & Close buttons are activated.
Note: If field validation rule is violated, an Error Message pop up will appear. 

4. After saving the encoded information of the withholding agent, the Main Menu screen will appear. The selection buttons for attachments will be activated. Click MAP Forms button or press M.

5. The MAP Menu (Monthly Alphalist of Payees consisting of 1600, 1601E and 1601F) screen will appear. Click 1601E button or press E.

6. The 1601E Menu (Monthly Remittance Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld  (Expanded)) screen will appear.

Note: Details of the 1601E form is already available on the 1601E Menu screen.  <For the Month of> field is defaulted to current month and year but the user has the option to enter the same.

7. In the 1601E Schedule II screen, click <Add/Update> button, a pop-up message will appear. Click <Ok> button.


8. In the 1601E Schedule II Data Entry screen, click <Add> button to add or encode a record.  Take note that after clicking the Add button, the <Save>, <Revert > and <Exit> buttons are activated.

9. All mandatory fields must be properly filled up. After encoding data on the last field, click  <Save> button.

Note: An Error pop up screen will appear when there is still a mandatory field not yet filled  up.

10. A Question pop up message will appear. Click <Yes> to add another record and <No> if not. The cursor will go back to the original screen. Click the <Exit> button.

11. A pop up message will appear asking if you want to exit, click <Yes> button to return to 1601E Menu screen. 

12. All buttons are displayed and activated when you have encoded and saved multiple data. User  may use all activated buttons (i.e. <Top>, <Next>, <Prev>, <Bottom>,<Inquiry>) to go to other records. The <Edit> button is used if there are corrections on the saved data and  the <Delete> button is used to erase saved data. Click <Exit> to go back to the 1601E  Main Menu. Click <Back to MAP Sub Menu> to go back to the Main Menu.


13. To print or inquire a record, click <Print/Inquire> button and the Inquiry Screen will appear.

14. Click the <Search> button and the <Search Entry> pop-up will appear. Encode the TIN or Registered Name/Trade Name or Taxpayer’s Name (Individual) you want to inquire. Click the <Ok> button and the record you are inquiring will be highlighted.            

Note: All other forms (i.e. 1600 & 1601F) have the same inquiry screen. 

15. Click <View> button to view the report on line. The user can print said report by clicking print icon located on the toolbar at the upper left corner of the screen. Click arrows to navigate to other pages of the report. Click X on the upper right corner of the screen to close report and to go back to <Inquiry> screen.
16. To view report in excel format, click <eXcel Report> button. The user can edit entries and make corrections using this format; however, changes and/or corrections made in this report will not necessarily update information stored in the system. Click X on the upper right corner of the screen to close report and to go back to <Inquiry> screen.


17. To generate file, click <Generate File> button on the 1601E Menu. A <Save As> pop up screen will appear. Specify the folder where to save the encoded data, then click <Save> button. A pop up message asking “Do you want to view the file created?’ will appear. Click <Yes> and the flat file of the data will appear. Click <No> and pop up message informing that the file was successfully created will appear. Click <Ok> to go back to 1601E Menu screen.

18. Click SAWT Forms button or press S.

19. The SAWT Menu (Summary Alphalist of Withholding Taxes) screen will appear.
 Note: Details of the SAWT form is already available on the SAWT Menu. <For the Month of> field is defaulted to current month and year but the user has the option to enter the same.

20. Choose a form from the pull down list. In this example we will choose form 2550Q. 

21. Click the <Add/Update> button, a pop-up message will appear. Click <Ok> button. 

22. In the 2550Q Schedule I Data Entry screen, click <Add> button to add or encode a record. Take note that after clicking the Add button, the <Save>, <Revert > and  <Exit> buttons are activated. 

23. All mandatory fields must be properly filled up. After encoding data on the last field, click  <Save> button.
Note: An Error pop up screen will appear when there is still a mandatory field not yet filled up.

24. A Question pop up message will appear. Click <Yes> to add another record and <No> if not. The cursor will go back to the original screen. Click the <Exit> button.
25. A pop up message will appear asking if you want to exit, click <Yes> button to return to SAWT Menu screen. 

26. All buttons are displayed and activated when you have encoded and saved multiple data. User may use all activated buttons (i.e. <Top>, <Next>, <Prev>, <Bottom>,<Inquiry>) to go to other records. The <Edit> button is used if there are corrections on the saved data and the <Delete> button is used to erase saved data. Click <Exit> to go back to the SAWT Menu. Click <Back to Main> to go back to the Main Menu.

27. To print or inquire a record, click <Print/Inquire> button and the Inquiry Screen will appear. 

28. Click the <Search> button and the <Search Entry> pop-up will appear. Encode the TIN or Registered Name/Trade Name or Taxpayer’s Name (Individual) you want to inquire. Click the <Ok> button and the record you are inquiring will be highlighted.
Note: All other forms have the same inquiry screen. 

29. Click <View> button to view the report on line. The user can print said report by clicking print icon located on the toolbar at the upper left corner of the screen. Click arrows to navigate to other pages of the report. Click X on the upper right corner of the screen to close report and to go back to <Inquiry> screen.

30. To view report in excel format, click <eXcel Report> button. The user can edit entries and make corrections using this format; however, changes and/or corrections made in this report will not  necessarily update information stored in the system. Click X on the upper right corner of the screen   to close report and to go back to <Inquiry> screen.
31. To generate file, click <Generate File> button on the 1601E Menu. A <Save As> pop up screen will appear. Specify the folder where to save the encoded data, then click <Save> button. A pop up message asking “Do you want to view the file created?’ will appear. Click <Yes> and the flat file of the data will appear. Click <No> and pop up message informing that the file was successfully created will appear. Click <Ok> to go back to 1601E Menu screen

Monday, June 6, 2016

How to Set-up User Name and Password with BIR Alphalist Data Entry System Version 5.1

Currently, the BIR has issued the Alphalist Data Entry System and Validation Module Version 5.1 for creation of Monthly Alphalist of Payees (MAP), Summary Alphalist of Withholding Tax (SAWT) and others for reporting and compliance with the bureau.
After you have downloaded the latest version in your PC desktop, laptop, USB or any other compatible devices, you can create a User Name and Password to log on to data entry as follows:
1. For new user, click the bir1604v51 Alphalist Data Entry System Bureau of Internal Revenue icon to open the Alphalist Data Entry Ver. 5.1. To log to data entry, type the default User Name: user and default Password: password
2. In the Main Menu of the Alphalist data Entry System, click Withholding Agent to update the Tax Payer's information and other details.
3. In Main Menu, click the Utilities to Set-up or Change User and Password. Under the Utility Setups, click Change User to set-up or change User Name and click Change Password to create new password.
In the Utility Setups, you can explore the Printer Setup, Change User, Delete User, Change Password, Add New User, Import Records, Purge and Archive and ReindexAll.
To download the Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module Version 5.1, visit the blog post: and follow the instructions provided.