Did you know that the BIR has experienced a system downtime last April 15, 2014 due to the volume of taxpayers filing/paying thrue eFPS?
With this, the bureau has issued the Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 28-2014 on April 16, 2014 to hereby informed all concerned that the penalties attendant to late filing of returns and payment of income tax/es for the taxable year ended December 31, 2013 and quarter ended March 31, 2014, are hereby waived. This waived strictly covers eFPS-registered taxpayers and tax returns filed last April 16, 2014.
Moreover, all those eFPS-enrolled taxpayers who have already manually filed and paid their income tax due for above taxable periods will not be imposed of penalties, and are hereby advised to refile using eFPS until April 25, 2014.
Please refer ftp://ftp.bir.gov.ph/webadmin1/pdf/85582RMC%2028-2014.pdf of the full text of the RMC No. 28-2014.