The New Value-Added Tax (VAT) Exemption Identification Card (VEIC) issued to
Qualified Diplomats, Officials and Dependents of the Embassy of the United
States of America (US Embassy) under Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 23-2017 pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 22-2004 of May 24, 2016, entitles, "Value-Added Tax (VAT) Exemption Certificate/Identification Card Issued to Qualified Foreign Embassies and Their Qualified Personnel Amending/Modifying RMC 81-99".
Currently, only the US Embassy's qualified personnel and the latter's qualified dependents are being issued VEICs by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). It is use on personal purchase of goods and services to the business establishments.
Attached, as Annex "A" is a template of the VEiC which shall be issued by the BIR to
US Embassy qualified personnel and their qualified dependents, as approved by its duly
authorized signatory. Nonetheless, all VEICs duly issued before the issuance of this RMC shall
rernain valid until their expiry dates. For comparison purposes, attached, as Annex "8", is a
sarnple copy of the earlier version of the VEIC.
Please refer: / and of the full text of RMC No. 23-2017, Annex "A" and "Annex "8", respectively.