To improve the level of taxpayer service especially to the underprivileged and homeless sectors of the society is one of the objectives of Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 12-2017 issued by the bureau recently entitled: "Guidelines and Procedure to Streamline the Process and Issuance of Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) for Transfers of Raw Lands to Community/Homeowners Associations for Socialized Housing Projects Under Article VIII, Section 32, of Republic Act (RA) No. 7279, Otherwise Known as the "Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992"."
Processing and Issuance of the CTE:
The application for the issuance of CTE shall be filed directly with the Office of the
Commissioner. No application shalI be processed unless the following documentary requirements
are fully complied with by the requesting party:
a. Original Certification signed by the President of the SHFC that the subject property
qualifies and is actually a CMP Project. Such Certification shall be sufficient guarantee
of the validity, authenticity and due diligence in the review of CMP Project loan
application of the Homeowners Association;
b. Certified true copy of the Deed of Sale executed by the landowner in favor of the
Community/Homeowners Association;
c. Certified true copy of the Master List of Beneficiaries;
d. Certified true copy of the Transfer Certificate of Title /Original Certificate of Title and
latest Tax Declaration of the property; and
e. Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate, in case the title of the property is still in the name of a
deceased landowner, and evidence of payment of appropriate taxes.
Processing and Issuance of eCAR:
The RDO concerned shall undertake to process, approve and issue the necessary eCAR
within five working (5) days from the date of submission of the CTE. The CTE shall be a sufficient
basis for the Revenue District Officer concerned to issue the eCAR and no other documents shall
be required from the taxpayer/landowner requesting for the eCAR.
The eCAR that will be issued shall particularly state that the raw land is intended for a
Community Mortgage Program pursuant to RA No. 7279, with a lien on the title of the land
annotated by the Register of Deeds having jurisdiction over the properties, to the effect that the
same is to be applied or is being applied to socialized housing project pursuant to RA 7279.
Please refer: of the full text of RMO No. 12-2017.