Saturday, August 8, 2015

Establishment Of eLounge Facilities in the RDOs of BIR

The  Establishment of eLounge in the RDo shall be created to provide taxpayers with free electronic or online medium to access the BIR's eServices, including but not limited to the following:

1. eFPS;
2. eBIRForms;
3. eSubmission;
4. eReg;
6. eDST;
7. eBROAD;
8. eComplaint
9. eAccreg;
10. eSales;
11. eReportCard;
12. eORB;
14. eTVCD;
15. Relief Data Entry and Validation Module;
16. Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module; and
17. Taxpayer Compliance Guide

The eLounge facility shall be established in all Revenue district Offices through the designated eLounge Project Team.

The following are the mandatory requirements for the creation of en eLounge facility;

1. The eLounge shall be set up at or near the client Service Area, (formerly Taxpayer Service Area) at the client Support Section (CSS).
2. The following resources shall provided by the RDOs prior to its implementation:
- modular partition enclosures with table top;
- computer chairs;
- movable printer tables;
- lounge sofas;
- Television (to showcase info media production);
- DVD Player;
- Computers with internet connection;
- Laser Printer; and
- eLounge signage.

For the sustainability of eLounge operations, the RDO shall allocate sufficient funds for Broadband Internet subscription from a third party Internet Service Provider (ISP), office supplies, and materials through their regular funds.

3. Below are the technical specifications required for the Broadband Internet Subscription:
- Unlimited Broadband Internet Connection or Access;
- Downstream Speed of at least 5Mbps; and
- Upstream of at least 1Mbps.

In areas where there are no ISP that can meet the above specifications, the RDO has the option to find available ISP that can provide them the best/fastest connection.

The eLounge shall be part of the "queuing system" in support of the RDO's mandate to provide fast and accurate frontline service to BIR clients.

An established set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (Annex D) shall be use as a basis for monitoring the utilization of the eLounge facility, and shall be the basis for its retention and budget allocation.

A stand-alone electronic logbook (e-logbook) shall be maintained to monitor the number of client availing the eLounge facility.

Please refer of the full text of RMO No. 13-2015.

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